Saturday, May 26, 2007

Omg. Finally.

Hey buddies. Yes, it has been nearly a year since my last post. Yes, I'm ashamed. But, importantly, I'm a Mistress of Library and Information Science now, and can return to my former life of eating and cooking and being with food in special moments. Also, I've quit smoking which means I'll soon be able to taste food again, too. (Today is the first day. I'm cranky.)

So, new things have been brewing here.

New thing #1:

Nate's first batch of home brew, Seminole Squirrel Steam Beer (an Anchor Steam copy). It's done fermenting and we bottled it two days ago. It tastes yummy! However, we were supposed to get 52 bottles from the batch, but only really got about 40. Note to home brewers and brewsters: You have to add water as it ferments. We had to go buy a special tupperware thing to put the bottled beer in as it sits for its last few weeks because there is as much sugar in those 40 bottles as there was supposed to be in 52. When the beer starts blowing up, that means it's done, right?

New thing #2:
Graduation present from Nate. Hell yeah. It's beautiful and shiny and beautiful. I'd spend all day polishing it if I weren't too busy sucking down juice boxes and chewing gum and being cranky. It makes good espresso and it's loud as hell, which I see as kind of a bonus. Scares the living bejeezus out of the cat. It's so shiny and beautiful. The tewtally sweet espresso cups on top are very generous gifts from my boss and her man.

Long story short: I should actually start updating this more regularly. Typing keeps non-smoking hands busy.

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